The End of 2011

My last night in Sacramento started at Yard House. And of course, since it was Thursday, ended at country night!!


The next morning I had to do some last minute packing. Of course I couldn’t forget my two favorites…


Nadine and I went out to breakfast at Awful Annie’s in Auburn. DELISH! It was my last meal, and I’m so glad I got to spend the morning with her.


As I was continuing to pack… I realized that my little suit case was just NOT going to cut it. So… I got a new one! I could literally fit inside of it, it’s so big and I love it. It made packing so much less stressful!


I’m all packed!


Grayson… awww by kitty!


And ready to head to the air port!


The flight went well… until the lady sitting next to me pulled out her “blankie.” What the hell? She was a grown ass woman… with a blanket! This thing was disgusting! It had holes all over it and was filthy. Really? You brought your baby blanket with you on an air plane!? Who does that!? So weird.

Once we all landed, my cousin picked us girls up and we were off to the apartment. We started our night with some happy hour and quickly made it out to dancing!

Alright… I love San Diego. And everything that I said bad about Navy boys… I take it all back.

A fantastic quote from the night… “You girls are hot, but you’re mean as fuck.” and… “What does that even mean?”

It was and has been great spending time with my cousins. We don’t see each other very often so it’s always a great time when we do.


The next morning we got Starbucks and did some shopping. I had to find some nude “under clothes” because my New Years Eve dress was kind of see-through.

I had to take a picture of this special little item… a teddy bear headband. I’m going to FREAK out on the day that I see a girl wearing this. Yowza! A little hint for you all… NEVER wear this headband. It goes against all codes of fashion. But it’s absolutely hilarious and would be a fantastic white elephant gift.


San Diego is amazing. I will be visiting again. And if I’m offered a job here, I will take it — in a heart beat.



I Hate Goodbyes

I hate goodbyes. And they don’t get any easier. This post is my attempt at making myself happier about having to say goodbye to the people (and pets) that I love the most.

I hate saying goodbye to my horses.


Benson will be staying with Amanda which I’m really happy about. She will take great care of him and I totally trust her. What upsets me is that I won’t be around horses for the next 4 months.


I hate saying goodbye to CrossFit and the people I work out with. I hate saying goodbye to my CrossFit coaches Matt and Jared.


I really hate saying goodbye to my family. I never moved away for college so I’ve been lucky to have them within 30 miles at all time. They’re my best friends. Fortunately for them there’s skype. I have a feeling we’ll all become very familiar with this said skype.


I hate saying goodbye to Dianna. She’s getting married in a few months and I hate that I won’t get to be here to help her plan it. Email/text/phone/Facebook communication will have to suffice. Also… happy hour without here just won’t be the same.


I hate saying goodbye to my little brother. As we’ve grown up, we’ve become really good friends. I’ll miss seeing him in the kitchen cooking enough food for an entire village. BrotherD, I promise, you won’t be skinny forever.


I hate saying goodbye to my Kinder/G.I. Jane/Nadine. I had to say goodbye to her 4 months ago, and now we have to do it all over again. Luckily, she’ll be done with training in a couple weeks. But still. Sucky.


I hate goodbyes. But, I know there will be MANY more throughout my military career. Now I only cry a little bit… whereas, before… I cried BUCKETS. This soldier is getting stronger, but it will never be easy for me to leave the one’s I love.


As for now… CHEERS!

Arizona… let’s do this.



Cat Fiasco

Oh look!! It’s those fried-pumpkin-ball-thingys again!! I had to take Nadine to the Press before we both left California again. On the left is the grilled peppers filled with goat cheese, my other favorite.


The night quickly turned into lots of free drinks… Thank you Lounge 20.

Bartender: “Want to try this?”

Me: “okay… (sniff)… this smells like port.”

Bartender: “Wow, you’re smarter than you look.”


Bouncer check’s my I.D. We walk away.

Me to Bartender: “That guy is stoic.”

Bartender: “You know what that word means!?! Hey Derek, do you know what ‘stoic’ means?”

Derek: “No.”

Okay so here’s the deal. College cost me a lot of money, stress, time, etc. But… seriously… it was so worth it. I’ve thought about this a lot because so many of my peers from high school now have jobs that they didn’t have to go to college for. But, I don’t know about the rest of you, it’s really awesome to be able to say, “I graduated from UC Davis.” Not to mention… No one can take that away from me. Saying this comes with a huge sense of pride and accomplishment. For me, knowing that I have a bachelor’s degree makes all those awful nights of studying, reading and writing papers so worth it.

Being an English major ultimately means that I learned how to read, write and critically think. What does my major have in common with Bio or Psychology or Art… the ability to research. The ability to figure things out on your own. The ability to write a 10 page paper in one night on a book you’ve never even opened! Yes, this did happen a few times, thank God for Sparknotes, Google books and the internet.

College didn’t teach me how to taste wine, no. And college didn’t say, “Today’s word is ‘stoic’ so use it in a sentence tonight when the bouncer doesn’t smile at you as he checks your I.D.” No. But I do agree with everyone who tried to explain to me the difference between college graduates and non-grads. It’s a feeling. A sense of accomplishment. Greater confidence. And ultimately, success.

Aren’t these cute!! I love miniature things… especially wine glasses!


The next morning G.I. Jane and I went to brunch with her G.I. man-friend: Bruno! The day turned into one of our “spend the whole day together, but not on purpose” kind of days… Shopping, shopping, oh, and more shopping. I had to get some things before I leave… and return some things. The mall was insane. Everyone else had the same idea as myself. Wonderful.

Well… at about 1:30 I got a call from my mom.

Mom: “Hayley, Raglin is with us.”

Me: “What!”

Mom: “Raglin got into the trailer and he’s with us, you need to call the vet and get his shot records so he can fly back to Sacramento.”

Me: “…. um…. um…. ummm… I think I’m going to throw up.”

Here’s Raglin en-route back to Sacramento with my Dad:


Then, here’s Raglin en-route back home with me:



We had to do a few “cat swaps” along the way, but the cat is currently back home… and NOT in San Diego. Thank God. Apparently my Dad got out of the truck at a gas station and noticed that the trailer was “meowing”… and ta da! There was Raglin.

He’s such a weird cat. He honestly thinks he’s a dog… And that he can’t be seen if he sits in bags.


Grayson would be jealous if I didn’t feature him too. Here he is cuddling with Bruno. Grayson on the other hand is smarter than Raglin: he stays out of trailers and stays home.


That yellow blob is passed out G.I. Jane after a Taco Tree food coma.


Tonight is my last night in Sacramento. I’m very sad about this. I’m going to miss everyone and everything from/about California. As I was eating my breakfast this morning I was thinking about all the simple things I’m going to miss… Like wearing sweaters! And sitting in the kitchen talking to my M0m and CrossFit… Grr…

Out of everything that’s changing in my life right now, I’m most stressed about fitting everything I want to bring into a suit case. Go figure.

And I’m most excited about having a rental car. What is wrong with me?

Tonight is Thursday which means cowboy boots go on.

Happy Friday Eve!!



Things I Love

I love a lot of things. But some things deserve EXTRA attention. I read a blog and she does these posts every so often and one of her “loves” was featured a few weeks ago and now it’s on my list too!

1. THIS bracelet ensamble. The Stella & Dot Harlow Bangle, the Stella & Dot Tribute Bracelet and my classic heart charm Tiffany & Co. bracelet. As most of you know, I wear a TON of bracelets, but this is by far my favorite set together.



2. Philosophy Vanilla Birthday Cake lip gloss. I read about it on Jenna’s blog and went straight to Nordstorm and got a tube. I’ve been in love ever since. It’s just enough “stick,” sparkle, shine and smell. I absolutely love it. I’m worried about running out and not being able to get any more once I’m in Arizona! Looks like they sell it at Sephora too… we’re in luck!

3. Naked Green Machine juice. I keep talking about not being able to eat lately, well this is one thing I HAVE been able to stomach. It’s wonderful. I could drink about 5 of these a day. Starbucks only sells the mango and berry flavor… BUT, my wonderful Java City down the street from work has the green machine! I did a little happy dance in the store today when I saw this. Thank you Jave City!!

4. Stella & Dot Soho Wristlet. I have the metallic color. I use it all the time. It’s perfect because it can go with both black/grey or brown outfits. It’s really pretty and not the standard “Coach” wristlet that everyone and their mom has. Oh and the inside lining is super cute… TEAL, my favorite. All in all, it’s a great little tote… Perfect for bar hopping or out to dinner. 

5. My Kindle!! I never thought that I’d be a “kindle person” … but boy was I wrong! I love this thing. I’ve already read 5 books on it. I used to think that I needed to feel and touch the pages of a real book, but you can’t read a real book in the dark without a light. Also, it’s really easy to hold. Sometimes books are uncomfortable and awkward in my hands. Also, it’s so easy to take everywhere with me. The battery lasts forever too. Best invention. I can’t say that I needed the “fire” version, but I still love it all the same. 

7. Lastly, my new Tiffany Somerset ring. I just got it a few days ago. I had my eye on a different ring for a very long time, but when I went to the store, I fell in love with this one. It’s beautiful, big and perfect for my sausage fingers. I catch myself staring at it, such a weirdo.




Arizona is a Reality

I’m here to tell you all… Christmas is over. Sadness.

My Christmas dinner consisted of… King crab, honey baked ham, sweet potatoes, garlic/parmesan bread and salad. YUM.

I’m still having a hard time eating. Grrr. I ate one crab leg and handed the rest to my brother. Either way, it was still a wonderful dinner. But, this dinner meant that Christmas was officially over.


So… the next day, I started packing for my move to Arizona. I sat on the couch and made a “list”… What that really means is I was procrastinating. Packing means that moving to Arizona is a reality, one that I don’t want to face, but I have to.


I’m very anxious about going to Arizona. Everything will be new for me. Not to mention… the weather. I’ve never been to a desert, this will be really interesting. As for now, Sierra Vista weather is exactly the same as Auburn, CA. This is annoying because I don’t really know how to pack. Obviously I have all my army stuff, but will it be cold at night? Will it be hot in March? Is it silly to wear boots there? Flip flops? AH!

So, instead of freaking out (like I am right now), I’m just going to bring a few things. When I get to AZ, if I find that I need more or different things than I brought, then my mom is going to send them to me. Problem solved!

For now… Here’s my packing list.

– Black Uggs, boots, toms, running shoes

– jeans, leggings, a few long sleeves, t-shirts

– lucy jacket, lululemon jacket

– lots of workout clothes, PJ’s

– scarves, jewelry, purse/wristlet, gloves, headbands, sunglasses (oakleys/ray bans)

– unders, sweats, sweatshirt

– headphones, arm band, iHome, kindle/charger, phone/charger, laptop/charger, car smart trio, backpack

– straightener, curling iron, cream/clear nail polish, make up, toiletries,

– water bottle, “car pack”, big folder

That’s about all I can think of. All of my Army stuff is pretty much packed and now I’m just waiting for Friday morning so I can add the remaining stuff (after I do all my laundry).

I’ll also need…

– new years eve dress!!

I’ll be flying to San Diego to spend New Years with my cousins and then fly from SD to AZ. Hm… I wonder if I’ll ever find a need for a dress in AZ!!

Need to buy:

Deodorant, “army bag” (vera bradley?), goggles, black bag, “Professional” outfit, cleats, blow dryer, notebook.

Today G.I. Jane is coming to interview for my job. Afterwards we’re going to one of my favorites… Press Bistro!

Happy Tuesday!


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!

It’s been a fabulous weekend of family, friends and FOOD! The other day I was talking with Mom and we were noticing how Christmas changes for people as they get older. When my brother and I were little, it was all about the toys and Santa. We knew the meaning of Christmas, but let’s be honest… we were most excited about Santa coming!

Now that BrotherD and I are older, we’re more excited for our family to open the gifts that we bought them. It’s so exciting to give to others, see their reaction and hear them say “thank you!” Also, Christmas is now a time of relaxation (no finals for me) and spending time with our families. After I moved out of my parents house, I began to value time at home SO much more. It’s a season of cozy sweats, warm fire, and ultimately… traditions.

Every year my family attends a Christmas Eve service at church. Usually we attend Bayside, but this year we went to Adventure. It was fun, but really dorky… It makes my mom happy, so we comply. And… it usually means dinner afterwards!

This year we had Vietnamese food. Yum. I love their spring/shrimp rolls. This fortune came out of my fortune cookie:


Well dear fortune cookie, this time, you are right… Because, the next night was our family tradition of Christmas Eve dinner at my aunt and uncle’s house. This year is was Mexican! Yay! My favorite. Homemade enchiladas, tamales, tacos, margaritas and a wonderful salad. I passed on the tamales and handed my taco over to my brother, but I LOVED the enchiladas and salad!


Desert was promptly brought out directly after dinner. My family loves their sugar. I went straight for the Gevallia’s sugar cookies and a ginger oreo. Yes please! Other options were: apple pie, coconut brownies, chocolates, ice cream, chocolate chip/oatmeal cookies and coffee!


Then my mom and aunt insisted on the whole awkward family picture… so here’s the best one!!

From left to right, BrotherD, Cousin Nicole, Me and Aimee!

The night was filled with laughter, jokes, gifts, food and so much fun. There’s never a dull moment with this family. We drove home and went straight to bed… because Santa was coming! 😉


Christmas morning was beautiful. We had pecan french toast and bacon for breakfast. BrotherD is rocking his new coffee mug.


Bella wouldn’t leave Dad’s lap, even when he opened presents.


And little Miss K wasn’t the happiest camper, but she looked very cute in her new Joe’s jeans… She’ll thank us when she’s older, “You bought be Joe’s when I was one!?!” … You’re welcome.


Brother D and I rockin’ our new shades.


We threw on some jeans and headed to see War Horse. It was a “good” movie, but I can’t appreciate it because I’m a horse lover. I usually hate movies about horses, they’re too sad for me. I can’t handle watching horses get die and hurt. Mom and D loved it, Dad and I hated it. Oh well.

When we got home, we did this workout:



Garage workout! I stepped in dog poop… One of the perks of working out at home, on the grass, in the dark. Lovely. But, we were all glad to get in a work out and then prepare dinner: honey baked ham and crab… another Christmas tradition.


For now, this is my view: Kindle, sweats and cozy slippers. And then later I may venture out to see some Christmas lights…

Hope you’re all enjoying a wonderful night with family, Merry Christmas.



She’s Home!

Yay! I’m so excited! She’s home, she’s home, she’s home!

Did I mention that I’m excited!?!


Latte in hand, I raced over to meet G.I. Jane’s mom and we were off to the airport! We anxiously watched the escalator, waiting for her! Michael was very excited as well, balloons in hand — waiting to give to his big soldier-sister.

FINALLY, “There she is!!”

There were a few tears, but mostly happiness. Happiness to finally get to hug her, see her, and have it all real. She’s home!


I LOVE this picture. Such a special moment. I’m so proud of her and very glad that I get to spend a few days with her before we BOTH have to go our separate ways again.

Being in the military can be the best time… and the worst time. The military has taught me so many things, we’d be here until next year if I named them all. But, a few of them are:

1. None of my days are as bad as they seem. After going through boot camp I learned that even among your worst days, there’s still someone else, miles and miles away, having an even worse day. For example, being away from your family at war. That’s so much worse than having to sit at work for a few hours — wishing I could go work out or meet up with friends for happy hour. Oh please. Get over yourself.

When I first got home from 5 months of training, this was a huge issue for me. I took a job as a server over the summer and I’d catch myself glaring at co-workers when they’d complain about having to work at a restaurant. A RESTAURANT, people! I’d glare and then smile (sarcasticly/sympathetically/bitchy) and say, “Aw, I’m sorry. I’m sure you’ll get to go home soon!” And in my head I’m thinking, “You piece of shit. You get to go HOME tonight… do you know how lucky you are!?!” Ugh.

I can always find the silver lining thanks to the military. On my 19th birthday, I was in boot camp. It was raining. I was in Missouri. I had to ruck march (45 pounds on my back) 5 miles. Then I had to dig a sleeping area and build a tent for two people out of a poncho. Mind you, it’s raining. My tent is flooded. No one will help me. I’m worried about getting eaten by giant mosquito’s and brown recluse spiders. It was an awful, awful day. I remember this day vividly. I’ve had a few more birthdays since. Luckily none of them have been this bad. But, thank you Army. Now, I could have a terrible birthday and I’m almost positive that it wouldn’t top July 28, 2009. Good job. Way to go.

2. I learned to love guy humor and therefore I have a better sense of humor. Before going into the Army, I was kinda a bitch about crude humor. For example, I watched Super Bad and could barely stand it. The whole things is pretty much penis humor. And I hated it. Now, I think it’s really funny and I’ll even quote lines from said movie (rarely, but it happens).

Being that the military consists of 1/3 females (at best), I’ve had a lot of time to hang out with guys. This has always been a good thing for me. Girls aren’t really my specialty. They bug me too much – always screeching and complaining (Right, G.I. Jane?). So it’s worked magically. Army guys talk about the dumbest, stupidest, greatest stuff. Some of my best memories were made with Army guys. They’re all my big brothers and I’m so thankful for their meanness. Really. If they weren’t so mean all the time I wouldn’t be the soldier and person I am today. I’ve learned to never take things personally, laugh to deal with stress/anger/frustration, and just get the hell over myself. Looking back on 17-year-old me, I needed some “getting over myself.” Believe me.

3. I’m BETTER with patience. I didn’t say that I’ve mastered the art of patience, I’m just better about it. I’ve spent hours, days, months waiting on people. The famous, “Hurry up and wait” at its finest. I’m so good at waiting on people, it’s actually a newfound talent. My mom gets really flustered shopping on the weekend, she asks, “How does this not bother you? There’s so many people?” I guess when you’re crammed into little tiny spaces and forced to give up all means of control, shopping at the mall on a Sunday seems rather mild.

I’m also really patient with being sick. When I’m sick (or injured) I ride it out. I know that it will go away soon, it’s just a matter of waiting. I refused to go to sick call while in training. I only went when a drill sergeant forced me to, “Private, you’ve been sick for a month! You’re going to sick call!” Turns out that “sickness” was really just allergies. The doctor said, and I quote him, “You’re allergic to Missouri.” He wasn’t joking. I was allergic to the AIR! AH! I knew I didn’t like that state for obvious reasons (humidity, but mostly just because it wasn’t California), but my body didn’t either! Then when I was at OCS I had so many blisters on my left foot that it looked like I had like herpes of the foot or something. It was so disgusting. We did a foot check and my TAC freaked out, “Get to the medic right now, candidate!” “Yes, sir!” Needless to say… I didn’t participate in any more running/marching for the rest of that block of training. The TAC instructors were so freaked out about my foot that they’d literally yell at me if I was walking too fast or didn’t get my foot taped that morning.

I just don’t like being the weak link. I’m a female and I’m small so I already have that image working against me. The last thing I need is to be the sick/hurt “female.” No thanks, I’ll just wait and deal with this when I get home.

4. I’m now a fitness junkie. I’ve always been into fitness, but now I’m like a psycho-fanatic about it. When I first joined the Army I was 115 lbs — pretty much a twig. I ran a half marathon 10 days before I left for boot camp. I could do 7 push ups and 15 sit ups, it was absolutely, positively pathetic (I’m sorry if this offends you, but being that weak is pathetic). But I was “skinny” and that’s all I cared about. As I learned more about the Army, I noticed something: PT stud females are respected. Hm. I wanted to be respected. Here I am, this young lieutenant, I needed all the points I could earn. So it was born, I’m going to max my PT test and I don’t care if I get “big arms” — I’m going to be strong.

With that came a whole bunch of greatness, one being CrossFit. I’m totally in love with CrossFit. I always joke about CrossFit being my boyfriend. He’s the most steady, secure, rewarding, uplifting boyfriend I’ve ever had. We’ve been going steady for over a year now. 😉 But seriously, I love working out now. I’m so much healthier, I eat better and I’m just happier in general. I have a much better lifestyle and have made so many great friends in the process. Plus, the “Your body is fantastic, what do you do!?!” comments never get old. They make every drop of sweat and scream of pain worth it.

OCS Commander: “Officer Candidate, I respect you because you can out PT all the guys.”

ME: “Thank you sir, I work really hard to hear that.”


SFC Dodds, in front of the whole class: “Fleury, stand up.”

I stand up.

SFC Dodds points at me, “THIS is fitness.”

Thank you CrossFit. You’re the best.

5. No matter how awful/annoying/mean/uptight the person is — add in some alcohol, cake! One of my favorite memories was this year. It was right after my OCS graduation and we went out in San Luis Obispo to celebrate. Everyone was there, students and instructors. It was one of the best nights, thank you vodka. The military can be really rigid. Don’t smile. Don’t laugh. Don’t talk with your hands. Ugh. Therefore, some alcohol is necessary sometimes. I’ve learned that it’s A-OK to let your hair down sometimes. Be loud, dance around, just have fun. Before the Army I refused to drink or “be immature.” It gets so tiring, always worrying about image. I still stay within reason, but I’m able to have fun and not lose sleep over it. Life goes on, you’ll be okay. Drink some coffee in the morning and you’ll be fine. Roger.

With that said, after we picked up Nadine… we headed straight to BJ’s. I convinced her to have a beer. Her first beer — LEGALLY! Woot!


I spent most of the day with Nadine, just hanging out. She got to spend HOURS getting ready. She was giggling, “Oh my gosh, I’m a girl again!!” This is a very familiar feeling for me. Whenever I get home from training, I’m so exited to wear jewelry, do my hair, put on jeans and no Army uniform!

A group of us went to Yard House for drinks and later ended up elsewhere…


We’re all so happy to have her back… even Ryan is stoked! Doesn’t he look fabulous in my scarf!


On a different note… Yesterday I finished Drowning Ruth. It was so good. I loved it. I was a little worried because it was kind of dark. But I really enjoyed the mystery element and all the drama. I also liked that it was set during a different era, that gave it more of a historical feel. I liked guessing about what was going on and then being totally thrown for a loop.

Now I’m reading The Hunger Games. Both my sisters recommended it. I was sold when Courtney said that I’d like the girl because she’s a “bad ass.” Also, it’s a number 1 seller on Kindle… and was only $5. Can’t be that bad, right?

It’s almost the weekend! It’s almost Christmas!! Eekk… I better start wrapping!





Sisterhood: The quality of being sisterly.

I have 2 sisters, neither of them are related to me: Dianna and Courtney. I chose  them as my sisters.

Courtney was my neighbor growing up. She’s 7 years older than me. When I was 13 we rode horses together while I listened to her “boy stories.” When I was 16 she got me into bars. When I was 17 I visited her in New York. Every year, she never judges me, she never belittles me, she’s always proud and supportive — the way a big sister should be. She’s also a lot like me. We both grew up with horses, didn’t have many friends in high school, went to UC Davis, etc. We don’t want kids and have a lot of the same view points. She’s always called me her surrogate little sister. I didn’t think much of it until later in life. “Wow, she really has been my sister all these years!”

One time she piled about 8 of my little friends into her VW beetle. We went to the gas station down the street and bought every single roll of toilet paper we could find… yep, we TP’d our neighbors house. She’s always been “cool” in my eyes… wears the coolest clothes, eats/drinks the best stuff, and even uses the most amazing lotions and face wash. She’s the first person I go to for boy advice, reading suggestions and fashion help. I’m so blessed to have her as my sister.

Dianna is a more recent sister. I met her through bible study. She’s such an amazing person, I am so grateful for her. She’s always thinking about other people. I was fortunate enough to share an apartment with her recently for a few months. We went to CrossFit together, drank wine, drank coffee, breakfast, you name it. We had a blast. Dianna is the person I go to for anything and everything. She will never judge me and I trust her advice. She’s successful, beautiful and funny.

When pumpkin beer was at BJ’s for a while… well, we were there multiple times a week. I love having Dianna as my friend, but I consider her a big sister. She’s always been loving and sisterly.

Sisters don’t have to be biologically related to you. They can be anyone. The just have to have the quialities of being a sister. Oftentimes biological sisters aren’t sisterly — at all. They are jealous, judgmental, selfish, self-righteous and just down right awful. Why is this? Is it because they think you’ll always be sisters — no matter how they treat you? Do they think that they don’t have to work on being your friend because they’re already your sister? Do they just not care because they didn’t chose you as their friend in the first place? I’m not really sure. Maybe a combination of everything.

What I do know is that I’m so blessed to have all the wonderful women, friends and sisters in my life. I have amazing, loving, positive, supportive role models to look up to. In my life I hope to be that person for someone else. I hope that I make such an impact on another girl that she would want to call me her sister.

With that, look at my mom!! She’s doing an amazing job at CrossFit. She’s already lost 15 lbs in just a few months. Yesterday I took her shopping at Lucy as a congratulations present. She’s worked so hard and I’m really proud of her. She says that she’s noticed herself getting stronger all the time — even with just simple things like picking stuff up off the ground. Once again, thank you CrossFit.


The whole family went on a little shopping trip to the mall yesterday. I helped my dad pick out some new shirts from Banana Republic.

I’m a big believer and supporter of spending a little bit more to get quality. (Not that Banana is Prada/Gucci or anything.) I used to always shop at target, Forever 21, Old Navy, etc. In the last few years I’ve stopped doing that and went for quality instead of quantity. It has paid off so much. Although I’ve spent more money on said items, I appreciate and use them so much more. For example, I have a pair of Hudsons that I literally wear at least 4 times a week. I love them. Yes they were expensive, but they fit like they were made for me and I’ve worn them so many times that I’ve gotten my money out of them and then some!

Same with my Uggs. I got my first pair when I was 15… and I STILL wear them. I’ve bought two more pairs since, but I still love them. I wear them all the time and every single time I put them on I think to myself: Man I love my Uggs. Seriously, I could wear Uggs every day and be perfectly happy. Granted, I don’t support wearing Uggs all the time as “fashion” — but being that I’m a recent college grad, Uggs were perfectly acceptable for many years of my life. They’re comfortable and warm — exactly what we all need at this time of the year.

After shopping, Mom and I went to Yard House for some lunch and a beer! YUM!


I haven’t been very hungry this month, so I had a small ceaser salad. I always crave the simplicity of a ceasar. It’s cold, crunchy and fresh… just enough greens, protein (with the chicken) and bread. Yes, please!


Later we pulled out Comet and played a game of tag. Since retiring Comet, he is the happiest no matter what you’re doing — as long as you’re hanging out with him. So I brushed him, sat on him bareback and had him chase me around the arena.



I love that horse.


Later, Dianna took me out to dinner at Crush 29 to celebrate graduating college. I’d never been before, but it was awesome! The brie cheese was to-die-for. I could have eaten three more plates of it — YUM!

When I cam home, Mom was wrapping presents and Raglin was hiding out in the bag full of paper scraps. He sat there for at least 30 minutes. He didn’t jump out until we all left him in the dark room. He’s such a quirky cat. I swear he should have been a dog. Something is wrong with a cat who doesn’t run away from a vacuum cleaner. Weirdo.


Tomorrow G.I. Jane flys home. Her plane lands at 11:25am and I couldn’t be happier. I’m so proud of her and I can’t wait to laugh, cry and TALK to her! She’s been in boot camp since September 5th and I’ve only had one 10 minute conversation with her since then. I miss her very much. I can’t believe that December 21st, the day I’ve been counting down to, is finally almost here. Finally.

This girl is my kindred spirit.



90’s Baby

Alright. I’m a 90’s baby. Key word. Baby. I know, I know. I’ve heard it my entire life. “You’re such a baby! Aww.” Really what they’re saying is, “I remember when I was young. It was epic.”

Here’s my thought… My mom listen’s to “oldies” — right? She knows every word to every song, she snaps her fingers, closes her eyes and sways with the beat. If I were insecure, I’d be embarrassed. But instead, she’s funny. My question is; will 90’s music be considered “oldies” by the time my children (non-existent) are teenagers? Will I be rocking out to Barenaked Ladies while my kid’s look at me like I’m crazy? Hm.

I love 90’s music. G.I. Jane and I rocked out to Pandora’s “Summer Hits of the 90’s” station all summer. Convertible top down, music blasting, life was good. She knew every single song. Not only does she know the words, she knows the song title and artist. I’m so jealous of people who have that gift. I do not have it.

This week I’ve been on a 90’s kick. The music literally makes me smile, snap my fingers and sway to the beat — just like mom! Oh, and being that I’m always driving, singing — VERY loudly and terribly. I secretly wonder if people outside can hear me singing and then I feel bad for them.

Friday night was Batman’s mom’s birthday. It was pretty much a night filled with wine for me. Big surprise.

It was a surprise party. She was so excited. I love being part of surprise parties. I’ve never been thrown one though. I always wonder how I’d respond. If I’d cry, run away, scream, or what? She was so happy that all her friends and family were in one place, together.


Daniel and I got to try Louis bred for the first time. It was amazing. Actually, there isn’t any word that could do this bread justice. If you like garlic, you’ll love this bread. I also tried a blue cheese version, that was deadly and I was glad there was only a few pieces left or else we would have had a problem – A over-eating-Luis-bread problem.

Go Daniel!!


While on my 90’s kick, I especially love this song. Aw… such good memories!



Saturday morning I grabbed a starbucks (to fix the pulsating headache) and went straight to the barn and was greeted by this happy face:



We worked on trotting over cross poles. Then Amanda started him over the poles — he’s going to be a little (17.3 hand) jumper! I can’t wait!

I also met this little guy for the first time: “CW”


He’s a miniature horse and he’s adorable. He’s just like a dog. I hung on him, pet him and rode him. Well…. I didn’t ride him, but Payton did! It was hilarious and I’m going to make him ride him again so I can start making millions on youtube.

The next morning was CrossFit with mom and BrotherD.

Mom and I completed the 12 Days of Christmas WOD. It was brutal and took me over 30 minutes, yikes!

My mother is new to the “workout world” — can you tell??


BrotherD to Mom: “Mom, the nike sign is upside down.”

Mom: “Oh.” Clearly unphased.

For her birthday I got her a lovely workout outfit. (Which makes it’s debut weekly.) I think I know what she’s getting this year for Christmas…

BrotherD to me: “You’re getting mom workout clothes for Christmas, right?”

Me: “… I wasn’t planning on it, but I guess it’s an emergency.”

We’ll definitely work on that. For now, we’re all just glad that she’s doing CrossFit and having FUN! Rock on with your mis-matched outfit and scary headband!!

After CrossFit we ran home and got ready for Grandma’s Christmas party! Weee!!

It’s a tradition, every year we go to Grandma’s. There’s about 74,853 kids and it’s madness. Screeching people, singing toys and way too much food. I’m very thankful that I have a wonderful family who loves and cares about each other. Most of us make time for “family time” and that really says a lot. I know that not all family’s do this.

By the end of the evening, I was ready to go home and return to my peace and quiet.

Grayson was very glad to see us too!





Jenna Marbles talks about drunk girls. Start watching her videos right now if you haven’t already. She’s one of my favorites.

Last night WE were the drunk bitches.


We started at 58 Degrees & Holding with a few different whites and a fabulous cheese platter (completely gone in this picture). One glass turned into two which turned into…


THESE!!!! Pumpkin-fried-ball-thingys (Name by Danger) at The Press Bistro. First we ordered 6 tapas. Then:

“Can we get 3 more plates of those pumpkin-fried-ball-thingys?”


5 minutes later our waiter comes back… “Do you want three balls or three plates?”

All three of us in unison: “PLATES!”

Yep… we were those girls.


One carafe turned into two.


See! THREE tapa trios and TWO carafe’s.

There is a very fine line between being the “drunk bitches” and being just a flat out “drunk hoe” in a bar. Last night I learned something, the key to preventing yourself from becoming the drunk hoe doesn’t really have anything to do with how you act (unless you’re screaming and dancing on tables — well, then, we have some other issues that I can’t address). In fact, it’s all in how much you woo your server from the beginning. This server must be a male. He doesn’t have to be straight, he just needs a penis. This formula that I’ve come up with doesn’t mean you can go on being a psycho-snookie-girl, it just means that whatever you say and do is forgiven and acceptable. For example:

Be EXTRA happy when the server comes to greet you.

“HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!” — As if he’s God himself. Or think about how you would have reacted if you were 5 years old and Cinderella just showed up at your house to have dinner with you. Yes, that kind of excitement.

And smile a lot and flip your hair, be really girly. But then when he asks you what you want to drink. You don’t order a yagerbomb. No. You say, “Well, I think I’ll stick to white tonight, what are your suggestions?” The key here is that now he knows you’ve already been drinking, and he’s flattered that you want his advice.


Then when he comes to bring you your carafe of the cheapest “house” wine they have (because HE suggested it) you begin talking about “drunk bitches.” It’s like when you get made fun of a lot for something and then you turn it around and make fun of yourself. For example, because of my last name, I get the, “Ohhhhh, like McFlurry!?!?! AAHHAHAHAHAH!” I’m like, “Yeah. Like a McFleury. Ha. Ha. You’re so original.” But instead I beat them to the punch and I say, “My last name is ____, like a McFlurry.” Now they’re stumped because they wish they would have said it first. Ha. Gotcha Bitch.

So now that we’re openly making fun of “drunk bitches” with our waiter, we’re golden.  And… free to take pictures of your band aids, like this one:


Me: “Danger, WHAT is on your finger?”

Danger: “A band aid.”

Me: “What happend? Why? What?”

Danger/Me: Laughing hysterically and now taking pictures of it.

Welp. Guys. Moral of the story, it’s okay to be a drunk bitch. Just be very precise about it. Know what you’re getting yourself into. And then when it’s only you and another couple left in the restaurant, leave before they do. And thank the staff that are still there cleaning up. OH! And don’t forget… Ask THEM what they’re drinking when they get off work. It helps remind them that they’re almost done working.

You’re welcome.

